Winter months can bring extreme blizzards, while the summer, spring and fall can present it’s own inclement weather. A general rule is that if a weather emergency can occur it most likely eventually will. For many of us, we have spent years dealing with extreme weather, however, for those of us who’s hearing isn’t as sharp as it used to be, these kinds of weather emergencies can bring on a whole new set of challenges. …
How to Properly Care for Your Hearing Aids
Hearing aid users know how important it is to have your devices in proper working order. Hearing aids are an investment in your health, and knowing how to properly care for them is part of getting both the best performance and the longest life out of your devices. Routine care for hearing aids ensures that they are clean and dry and it can catch small issues before they develop into larger ones. Let’s take a …
Understanding the Degrees of Hearing Loss
When you get a hearing test your results are formatted as a chart called an “audiogram”. Audiograms show the specific challenges your hearing has, as well as overall patterns in your hearing ability. When your hearing specialist reviews the results with you, they will often tell you the degree of hearing loss present-but what exactly do these different degrees mean- and what can you do about them? One important thing to keep in mind is …
A Link Between Hearing Loss and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Hearing loss affects approximately 48 million people in the US and is more than just an ear issue. Hearing loss affects how you relate to others, your self confidence, self esteem and physical health. When we can hear and communicate confidently, you can be more likely to succeed in social situations, and in physical activity. The more active we are, the more our physical and mental health excell. Untreated hearing loss has been connected to …
Hearing Loss Patients At Higher Risk Of Hospital Readmission
When people with untreated hearing loss enter the hospital, the stakes can be unusually high. A recent New York University study has found that patients with unaddressed hearing loss were far more likely to be readmitted into the hospital within a month of their initial discharge than patients with normal hearing. This gap in health outcomes is part of the toll hearing loss can extract on personal wellness and hospital readmissions increase costs for both …
As an Invisible Disability, Hearing Loss Often Goes Ignored
Hearing loss affects a vast swath of the population – over 40 million Americans live with significant hearing loss and it is the third most common chronic health condition in the country. Despite its prevalence, hearing loss is drastically under-treated with only 20% of those with hearing loss using treatments like hearing aids to manage their disability. People often ignore changes to their hearing, on average waiting seven years between when they first notice hearing …
All About Assistive Listening Devices
Hearing aids are often the first step in treating hearing loss. They improve quality of life, reduce health risks associated with untreated hearing loss and facilitate better listening and communication. The performance of hearing aids can be enhanced with the added use of assistive listening systems (ALSs) and assistive listening devices (ALDs). Assistive listening technology amplifies sound from a focused source to improve your clarity and comprehension. Both ALD and ALS work in similar ways …
A Link Between Gout & Hearing Loss
Researchers are constantly uncovering more proof that our diet can affect our physical and mental health. Now a recent study has found that a healthy diet can reduce the risk of gout, a frequently occurring form of arthritis and while simultaneously protecting your hearing. What is Gout? Affecting 4% of Americans, and 20% of those whose parents had it. Men are at a higher risk, while gout does not affect the majority of women until …
Support an Active Lifestyle with Hearing Aids
Are you ready to invest in your hearing health, and get hearing aids? You’ve made a great decision! That’s just the first step in finding the right hearing aids, and you still have a few more steps before you have the perfect fit. This guide will help you find the right hearing aids to support your active lifestyle. Get a Hearing Test The first step in finding the right hearing aids is to get a …
Hearing Loss and Millennials
Most Americans think that hearing loss only affects seniors. It is true that age can affect hearing. However, it’s noise, not age, that’s one of the leading causes of hearing loss! Noise induced hearing loss affects people of all ages, not just seniors. Adults, teens, and even children can have hearing loss from exposure to dangerously loud noise. What Noises Damage Hearing? Noise induced hearing loss is caused by very loud noises in the environment. …